Friday, August 29, 2008

How I spent my Summer


I am blogging for the Career Development Center on my job search. I am starting my senior year at WPI and I am a Management Information Systems (MIS) major beginning my job hunt this year. Each week I'll be writing about things that come up in my job search such as preparing for a career fair, researching jobs, and going on interviews. Hopefully reading the steps I am taking can help you with your search as well!

I began looking for a summer internship this past year over winter break. I used the JobFinder on the CDC website to research companies and to eventually see who was attending the Career Fair in C term. At the Career Fair I was able to talk with a lot of representatives from various companies and handed out many resumes. After the career fair I was able to go on two interviews and ended up securing a summer internship before the start of D term.

The internship I accepted was at a Civil Engineering company working with their IT help desk staff. It was a great opportunity to work with a company that is primarily outside of my major. Working there gave me the opportunity to work with a smaller company and also gave me the opportunity to learn a lot. My manager encouraged me to problem solve a great deal on my own which will be very valuable to me in my future career.

The previous summer I had an internship with a medical software company in their implementation group. This too was a great opportunity. This company was much larger than the Civil Engineering company I worked with and between both of these experiences I got to see the difference between small and large companies and between companies in different fields.

After my past work experiences I am still debating whether or not I want to work in a large company or a small company. I'm looking forward to the career fair this fall to get the opportunity to talk to some employers!

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