Thursday, September 11, 2008

So what does an intern do?

Both of my summer internships have included a lot of learning from people in the company as well as a lot of discovering things on my own. For the first couple of weeks I went through a lot of tutorials and sat through numerous meetings on how the company works, what the division does, and what are the goals for the division in the future and how my internship will play a part in that goal.

Many of my tasks were given to me by week and I would try to problem solve on my own before reaching out to find answer. Doing a little work on your own first is always good, this way when you ask for help you have concrete questions to ask and can follow along easier.

With the implementation group I work with test sites alongside a full time employee. I would help with moving code and setting up a site and then helped test different functions. In my IT helpdesk position I would do daily task when people called and needed help with such things as printers, network connections, and specific applications. Some of the long term task I had were improving the inventory database as well as working on a GPS database for one of the other groups at the company.

Internships give you a great experience to figure out what you like doing and in some cases what you don't like doing. I have had two great experiences in two different fields and that will help me decide a career path in the future!

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